Board Member Spotlight Series: Joele Atonfack

Joele Atonfack Spotlight Series - Mangwi Atia.png

What is your connection to Orange County?

Coming from Cameroon, I came to California intending to enroll in an MBA degree program. Knowing the value of graduate education, I spent one year preparing for the GRE after arriving here. Hard work and dedication granted me admission to the Chapman University MBA program. I would then graduate from the institution and work in the area.

How did you first hear about the National Black MBA Association?

As a first-year MBA student, I looked for funding and networking opportunities. I knew to ask my graduate professors for assistance, with one suggesting that I start with the National Black MBA Association. Researching the organization at the national and local level made it clear it offered what I desired and more. I could apply for financial support and expand my network for employment and business prospects: I ultimately received a job offer after attending a corporate partner networking event.

What influenced you to join the National Black MBA Association – Los Angeles Chapter Board?

I first joined the organization to apply for scholarships and socialize with professionals (since I was new to the United States). I also wanted to be part of an organization whose values aligned with mine. Signing up for the Los Angeles Chapter newsletter helped me stay connected with a diverse network and be informed about opportunities, like the Chapter Board vacancy. I became a Board Member so that I could give back to my community. I have been able to organize impactful events over the years, which have been a rewarding experience. 

What is your favorite thing about the National Black MBA Association community?

The National Black MBA Association supports Black professionals with their career and wealth-building goals. When you join, you are part of a close-knit community. Moreover, the vision, "Empowering visionaries intellectually and economically to create a world where diversity and inclusion are universal," keeps its members focused and headed in the right direction.

What are the benefits of being a member of the National Black MBA Association?

There are many opportunities available to Black professionals, but we, individually, may not be aware of them. To be part of the National Black MBA Association is one way to be kept in the loop. It is a network to hear about success stories from students, professionals and entrepreneurs and be inspired. It also is a network that supports its diverse members to thrive and excel professionally and financially. (And you do not need an MBA degree or any other degree to join.)

What excites you most about the direction of the National Black MBA Association – Los Angeles Chapter, and how will you contribute to it in your current role?

I am thrilled that the Los Angeles Chapter is in alignment with the mission and vision. Our purpose is clear, and our activities meet the needs of members. As the director of student affairs, I support students by making information and resources available to them. I also connect them with successful entrepreneurs and professionals so that they can learn and grow. My goal is to help our members pursue their professional and personal goals.

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